Saturday, April 6, 2019


Pakistan and India the two nuclear powers in south East Asia,Pakistan came into being on the name of Islam in 1947,After its creation conflicts between Pakistan and India started for the 1st time on Issue of Kashmir...since then Kashmir issue is a core problem for both of countries...The recent escalation between Pakistan and India started on 14 February 2019 when a terrorist attack on Indian forces killed almost 40-50 CR-PF(Central reserved police force) the India elections were very close so Indian Government took it as an opportunity to use this situation against Pakistan create tensions on border and create an other situation of Surgical strike do something minute on border against Pakistan and then present it as  a great victory in-front of whole India and then get a lot of votes and form Government again for 5 years...and justify their million dollars Rafael deal and hide their corruption in the signed deal...

What actually Happened:- 

After 14 February attack the forces of both countries were on high alert and Indian Air force jets came near borders two times and conducted Sonic boom blast to show Pakistan their aggressive mode and calculating their response time and to know that which type of jets Pakistan would send to challenge Indian jets....In response Pakistan Air force also conducted Sonic boom blast to show India that they are fully alive to protect their motherland and are fully ready to fight with any kind of advance jets of India Like Mig29s and Su30mkis...

Actually Pakistan was fully aware about tactics of India Government and Indian Military and they were on high alert conditions and the LOC was fully patrolled by Pakistan forces to make sure that no Indian Army team could enter in Pakistani Kashmir and claim a surgical strike...there were two points in Pakistani authorities mind that either they will attack the madrasa of Molana masood Azhar in Bahawalpur or they will attack in Kashmir,Indian authorities knowing this situation and under pressure from whole India to do something against Pakistan decided to attack 4,5 targets inside Pakistani Kashmir and through their jets and using spice 2000 bombs...

On 26 February night 7 Indian jets were detected on Pakistan Air defense radars and the F16  squadron  consisting of 4 F16s were directed by Air defense system to challenge them and make sure that they couldn't enter Pakistan's Air space and to block them from attacking Bahawalpur sector as that squadron move to Bahawalpur the 2nd F16 squadron was in the air as a backup but at the same time some other Indian jets were detected near Sialkot sector and this squadron was moved to sialkot to challenge them...and as another f16 squdron was taking off from SHAHBAZ AIR BASE air defense system detected that a heavy team of Indian jets comprising of 14 jets Including Mirrage2000 is moving towards LOC and they violated Pakistani Airspace,and then it becomes clear to Pakistani Authorities that the 2 teams which recently came near Bahwalpur and Sialkot was just tactic to engage our F16s in air to somewhere else and to increase response time of PAF jets so that they could easily complete their objective of crossing LOC and bombing Pakistan ...and in just 4 minutes Indian jets entered in Pakistani territory and dropped their spice 2000 bombs which have ability to glide and travel in the air and hit a target 60 km away they could have destroyed their target without crossing LOC through Spice 2000 bombs but they crossed LOC to show their country that how much powerful their Air force is and  PAF was unable to do anything with their jets and on the next day when media and ISPR reported the incident Indian media and Government presented as a biggest victory as they just won a big WAR against Pakistan....

In my point of view Indian claim of killing 300 militants is wrong but I do think that these bombs may have killed  20-30 civilians tress..

Pakistan Reaction:-    

Pakistani people were also really depressed that why not even a single Indian jet wasn't shooted down by PAF it was a really difficult situation for Pakistan...
After Indian escalation the ball was now in Pakistan's court as to how to handle such situation at that time Pakistani authorities decided to strike back and and to show India that we can also strike back like u so don't take us easy we are Nuclear Power respect us...
on night of 27 February Pakistani forces on borders started to attack Indian forces with heavy fire and Indian official thought that this is their retaliation...which will end soon...and by 27 morning fire stopped and Indians were really happy as they have just won a battle but the real battle was yet to come...
At 10:20 am 24 Pakistani fighters including Jf17 mainly and mirrages came near to LOC jf17 thunder crossed border and bombed at 6 different places including their brigade headquarters but to actually bombed around these military targets to show the world that they can attack but they don't want war ...
IAF was completely surprised on this attack they were of the view that if Pakistan retaliate ll do this during night not in day time ...
Pakistan attack was very well planned and executed because this attack started at 10:20am which was shift change time for Indian AWACS patrol and Pakistan was using Saab2000 equipped with Erieye radar and it has detection Radius of 350-4000 km...when PAF jets were bombing IAF scrambled 5 SU30mki and Mig21s when Su30 were detected by Pakistani AWACS they started to fire BVR missiles on them from most likely JF17 thunder or F16 and these missiles were guided by AWACS and shooted down a SU 30mki,after this the rest 4 Su30 were ordered by IAF to stay away to save IAF from other huge losses...

 and Mig21 while travelling  through Pir Panjal mountain Range reached the battle field and till now they were undetected by Pakistani AWACS but these jets arrived when JF 17 thunder were returning to Pakistan,One Mig 21 flown by Wing commander Abhinundan tried to chase a JF17 thunder  crossed border unintentionally because the whole area waves were Radio jammed  by Pakistan so he couldn't hear from control room that he has crossed LOC but as soon as his jet crossed LOC he was engaged in Dog fight against jf17 thunder and was shooted down and pilot captured by Pakistan....

Pakistan was very successful in their whole operation but it was a great set back for India...
they lost 2 jets 2 pilots dead and One captured by Pakistan one helicopter shooted by their own Air defense system instead of shooting Pakistani jets...


The whole Pakistani Nation was very happy on this exceptional performance of  PAF and Pakistan army ...but now the nuclear war seemed to be inevitable Pakistan closed its Airspace and India as well In Pakistan Air force and army was on red alert and a lot of PAF jets were patrolling in Air ,most of them were F7 PG because they are good interceptor...Indian leaders were very nervous what to do next...Then they decided to attack Karachi,BahawalPur and a PAF base through their missiles from Rajasthan between 9-10 pm  as soon as Pakistan got this intelligence update Blackout was ordered in all cantts and  Pakistan decided if there will be a missile attack on them from Indian then they will retaliate with 3 missiles against on Indian missile 12 missiles were made ready by and target was feeded in them,these missiles included Shaheen 2 and Gauri missiles...and Pakistan was ready to strike back within 2 minutes in case of Indian attack...
as America came to know about all this they called both countries officials and asked Pakistan to give Pilot back to India as a peace gesture which Pakistan agreed and then whole world pressurized India 
to say  no to war...

What's next:-

I my view BJP will defenitely do something before elections so Pakistan should be very vigilant...and up till now it is great success of Pakistan Amy specially for Air force and its pilots like  Squadron leader Hasssan Siddiqui and  Wing Commander Nouman Ali Khan....and a great success for JF 17 thunder and its very good for its bright future...

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